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24 years

of experience
About Company

We create the right climate and temperature for your home

Sed risus augue, commodo ornare felis non, eleifend molestie metus. Donec nec purus porttitor, ultrices diam id, laoreet mi. Aenean sit amet enim quis massa pharetra eleifend.

  • Qualified specialists
  • 5 years warranty
  • Bonus system
Our Services

We provide a full range services for your home

Vivamus viverra, ante nec varius pharetra, ligula velit sodales velit, a bibendum ante arcu non dui. Vivamus sed nisi in neque dapibus placerat.

Vestibulum augue tortor, consequat eu diam a, varius pulvinar ipsum.
Smart Home
Duis ultricies sodales finibus. In ac feugiat eros luctus sem.
Solar Systems
Pellentesque id vestibulum ligula, quis vestibulum mi malesuada gravida.
Heat Pump
Nullam sollicitudin diam sit amet neque lacinia, sit amet convallis lorem vehicula.
Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Additional Services

Our Flexible Pricing Plans

Master call
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Electric boiler replacing
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Air conditioner cleaning
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Fireplace cleaning
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Filling with freon
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Heating diagnostics
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Wifi sensors installing
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem
Ventilation setting
Diagnosis and analysis of the problem

Air Conditioning of Offices and Industry

Suspendisse potenti. In sapien quam, maximus non elementum vel, auctor quis mi. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Do nec quis cursus est.

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Private Houses Served


Air Conditioners Installed


Heating Systems Mounted


Ventilation Systems

Technical Support

Warranty repair and service for 5 years

Sed risus augue, commodo ornare felis non, eleifend molestie metus. Donec nec purus porttitor, ultrices diam id, laoreet mi. Aenean sit amet enim quis massa pharetra eleifend.

  • 01 Request to call of master
  • 02 Date and time assignment
  • 03 Repair and maintenance at your home

Book a free visit
of our professional engineer

Chyba: Kontaktný formulár nebol nájdený.

Solar Energy Save Your
Money by 60%

  • Free Shipping Quisque blandit ante vel imperdiet ultrices
  • 5 Years Guarantee Quisque blandit ante vel imperdiet ultrices
  • Discount System Quisque blandit ante vel imperdiet ultrices
  • Online Payments Quisque blandit ante vel imperdiet ultrices
  • Certified Products Quisque blandit ante vel imperdiet ultrices
  • Fast Support Quisque blandit ante vel imperdiet ultrices

What our clients say

Už môže prísť tropické leto… ďakujem chlapcom za profi výkon.

Marta V.

Veľká spokojnosť s montážou. Chalani sú profesionáli čo sa týka klimatizácií a ich montáži. Nepoznajú prekážky, len výzvy..

Martin D.
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